After applying hair conditioner rinse your hair with cold water as hot water will strip off the conditioning agent.
When choosing dairy products, pick ones that give most calcium with least fat and sugar. Skim milk and low fat yogurt are good examples.
Homemade scrub: Mix rice powder with curd or rose water and rub gently on face in circular motion.
Obesity and inactivity can cause type 2 diabetes at an early age. Get tested if they have these risk factors and you are >25 years old.
For lustrous hair, massage your scalp with warm coconut oil, wrap your hair with a hot towel for about fifteen minutes and then shampoo.
Obese children can have long term damage to their arteries. Childhood obesity is a risk factor for heart disease later in life.
Anti-aging treatment should ideally start at 30. Use a good product with AHA or retinoids to begin with.
Cracking knuckles is generally regarded a bad habit but it cannot cause arthritis. It can weaken your grip though.
Chemical peels are effective in fixing many pigmentation problems. They are safe when used by a trained professional.