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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Daily Health Tip

All aerobic exercise will help improve memory, concentration and blood flow to the brain. So include walking, jogging, swimming.

Meditation,deep breathing & guided imagery can help u if u tend to become agitated/over-excited when stressed out.

The most effective way of preventing a cold/flu is to keep your fingers away from your nose and eyes.

Staying well hydrated & keeping your skin moisturized can reduce the chances of stretch marks during pregnancy.

Getting rid of excessive clutter and keeping your desk organized helps you concentrate better on the task at hand.

Actively participating in discussions can help if you frequently daydream during meetings.

Take a walk when u stop concentrating.It helps put things in perspective.

Everybody needs fat in their diets. Ideally, it should make up about 25-30% of the calories you have in a day.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Daily Health Tip

Good sleep & maintaining a positive outlook have proven to be effective in improving immunity & preventing colds.

vitamin A for vision. Found in spinach, yellow fruits and veg. Vitamin K cream for under-eye circles.

Spending 10-20 mins in reflection/meditation can relieve stress & improve your tolerance of situations around u.

Avoiding food rich in refined sugars can help you boost your immunity.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Daily Health Tip

Cheese,milk,egg yolk & fish are rich in calcium and vitamin D & help you keep your teeth white and shiny.

Smiling may improve ur mood,slash stress,boost ur immune system, & lower blood pressure.So smile the day away.

Replace your manual toothbrush every 3-4 months and your electrical toothbrush as per the manufacturer’s advice.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Daily Health Tip

Flossing ur teeth b4 brushing makes brushing more effective by removing food particles trapped between teeth.

If u repeatedly need to use a toothpick, it could be suggestive of a bigger problem that needs your dentist’s attention.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Daily Health Tip

People who exercise for 2-2.5 hours a week live longer, control their weight and strengthen their muscles.

Allow urself to “flow” by drowning in a book or listening to music in a dark room for true peace & happiness.

Plenty of water and vitamin C can help you get rid of a cold quickly. 

While working on a computer,place ur feet on the floor & adjust the top of the monitor at eye level to avoid back pain.

Consuming only 2 portions of oats in ur breakfast can help u reduce ur LDL (bad) cholesterol by 5% in just 6 wks.