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Friday, January 9, 2009

Kidney Stone - A Caution

Its a fact that most General (Practioner) Doctor is not clear or aware what could happen after a Kidney Stone attack.

Having a worst experience on this problem, I would like to alight some points regarding this. The situtation has happened to my father and would like to share the same with you all .

He had some Kidney Stone problem during 2005-2006. He got stuck with Stone issue twice in that span. Later it was diagnosed by a General Physician.

Steps Taken by the Physician

1. Trips (Glucose).
2. Anti Biotic Injection.
3. Pain Killer Tablet.
4. Some other tablets after the stone got released.

So after a day or two he is normal.

This is all that happened twice.

Then he was normal till mid of 2007. Later he got little issue of BP. Tablets were prescribed and it was followed as mentioned by the physician. During the course he was doing better. At times there was some spikes in pressure which taken care periodically.

During initial 2008, he had backache which made him uncomfortable to do any work. Feeling that having a scan of his entire back could help, which the Radiologist said that possible chances of problem in Kidney. This drove us giving a emergency drive to a Kidney Research Institute, where it was reported as (both) the Kidney is not functioning in normal condition.

With suggestion/inputs from friends, we took him to Vellore CMC Hospital where the Neurologist/Nephralogist did a thorough scan of his body and reported that he is stuck with a chronical kidney infection, which has caused Kidney Shrunking, BP which was identified as a Normal Pressure by the earlier physician who did check-up in 2007.

Doctor from CMC informed that the Pressure has settled inside the Kidney which start pulling the energy of Lungs and started causing trouble to its functioning.

Doctor also added that the physician who had taken treatment for the Kidney Stone should have advised to take Blood Test, Urine Test and Stool Test after a week or two after the Stone release. As the Blood Test which was not performed in right time caused this havoc problem. This resulted causing blood impurement, and increase in Blood Urea & Creatine which is a deadly one after a certain limit.

Doctor prescribed medicines and suggested some diet control which is good for his health. Also he informed that people who are generally affected by Chronical Disease should not be affected either by Fever or Dysentry which would result in energy lost and forcing more work to Lung, Liver, Kidney which would result in serious mishap internally in the body.

Currently he is under treatment, where the issue is little bit in tact.

General Note : The patient do not have any habit of Smoking, Drinking or other deadly habits.

So there is no limitation in getting affected/abducted by this disease for anyone.

Pains that we (the patient) had is not explanatory :(. So please be caution and do have a periodic health checkups.

Some points as conclusion

Please do make a follow up of Blood Test, Urine & Stool Test after the Kidney Stone infection.
Kind of Test that needs to be carried out.
Check points in Blood : Pottasium, Creatine, Sodium, Blood Urea, Zinc (Major ones) & all other normal test.
Check points in Urine : Blood mixture if any (and its ratio), Sodium, Pottasium, Urea
In Generall, please consume normal amount of water as per your body weight (BMI) and have food in time regularly.

Please let me know your suggestion or queries if any.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Creation of CON folder in Windows

Try creating a Folder Named “CON” in Windows Machine, which results in vain.
My Understanding
Windows would have used CON as Universal Object (which might be used as engine to connect with OS) which cannot be duplicated or replicated at any places.
Try to break the mystery in it or try creating CON folder in Windows and spread it across.

~ Please add your comments if any ~

Monday, January 5, 2009

How to close Outlook from Home

Problem Situation
Friday night in the comforts of your home. Looking ahead for a happy weekend.
You suddenly remember that you are going to receive an important mail from onsite, on Friday EOD their time i.e. Saturday morning our time, for which you have to reply. The contents of the mail is not the problem.
You know you could reply in your comforts of your home using webaccess.
The Big Bang. You forgot to close Outlook and the mail will sink into your PST.
Solution 1:

Go to office first thing on Saturday morning just to close outlook or reply to the mail if it has already arrived.
Solution 2:

Send an email on Friday night to your own email ID, which is preconfigured to close Outlook in your machine.
Cool…right?… So how do you do it?
Open NotepadType “tskill outlook” //without the quotesSave it as closeoutlook.bat, in a secure location
Open OutlookGo to Tool-> Rules and AlertsChoose “New Rule”In the “Rules Wizard” popup choose “Start from a blank rule”.

Leave the default option of “Check message when they arrive”.
Click Next.
Tick “with specific words in the subject or body”.
Click on “specific words” at the window and type a text like “kindlyclosemyoutlook”.
Click Next.In the new options pane, tick “start application”.
Choose the “closeoutlook.bat” file by browsing.
By default it will show only *.exe files I the browse panel.
Choose all files to view your file.
Click Next and then Finish.
Voila! You are done.
Test it by sending a mail to yourself with the text "kindlyclosemyoutlook" in your mail subject or body.

Forgot to mention subject in the Mail

Forgot to mention subject in the Mail
while writing an official mail and feel bad later???????
Yes…. It’s a concern for all…. A mail without a subject brings a bad impression on us.
To avoid this, Just follow the simple steps mentioned below and see the result.
Here below are the steps: -
1. Open your outlook
2. Press Alt+F11. This opens the Visual Basic editor and then Press Ctrl+R which in turn opens Project-Project 1 (left side)
3. On the Left Pane, one can see "Microsoft Outlook Objects" or "Project1", expand this. Now one can see the "ThisOutLookSession".
4. Double click on "ThisOutLookSession". It will open up a code pane.
5. Copy and Paste the following code in the right pane. (Code Pane) and save it
Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim strSubject As String
strSubject = Item.Subject
If Len(Trim(strSubject)) = 0 Then
Prompt$ = "Subject is Empty. Are you sure you want to send the Mail?"
If MsgBox(Prompt$, vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbMsgBoxSetForeground, "Check for Subject") = vbNo Then
Cancel = True
End If
End If
End Sub
6. Now whenever u try to send a mail without subject, which will raise a pop-up to remind you

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Hi Everybody,
Wishing You and Your Family A Happy & Prosperous New Year.
Kamesh. MG